Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011
Now, as day goes by I've been a twelfth grader. Same class, same students, different teachers, and still a CAMEILO. I'm no longer become a treasurer in OSIS. It's time to move on and regenerate it to the next OSIS. And also, I'm no longer become a Sangga Amukti Muda again in Prada. My time has done. It's time to study and study to get what I want to. Get in the most wanted university, UI or ITB. Or maybe, study abroad. Pray God, I can make it through B)
Well, today what I want to share with you guys is my experience that I had. My new math teacher, Ms. Endah is a really perfectionist teacher. The first day that I was taught by her was really a surprising and shocking moment. We got a test and it was integral thing. Oh, dammit! I do really hate "integral". And, that continues till now. We get homework and exams much more than before. But I know, everything has its purpose.
Next December, we're gonna have final exam for the first term. And, it means it's gonna be soon. I gotta study more to get what I want.
I think that's all that I wanna share now. See you soon :) Read More..
Minggu, 06 Maret 2011
Kelud Mountain
Anggie, Zia, Dhelila, I, Cessi, Yonghy, Wian, Ardha, Dimas, Awang, Abie, Sherly, Anita, Skolas, Herdy, Anon, Andon went to Kelud Mountain for holiday. Yesterday, we went there by motorcycle. I was with Dimas at first. At 8 a.m. we started our vacation. I took some photos of them and I have uploaded it into Facebook.
Refreshing and having fun was our point. We didn't even recognize that at the end someone has to be feeling down. In Kelud, there were also some couples. Wian and Cessi, Dhelila and Ardha, Awang and Anin, Anggie and Abi, and others. Well, for Cessi it's an exception because they haven't a couple yet. It kinda called gonna be for me.
The streets were oh my yes ! It's so adventurous. I'd love being there. But, if you wanna go there don't ever try to visit the Sulphuric Spa. You can be so exhausted. And nothing you can get from it. The impression is not so wow ! I don't mean to jeer that tourism object but that's the fact.
Here's the photos :
I'd love being there. Someday, I wanna go there again. Bye, see ya ! xoxo Read More..
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
Liburan Galau
Senin, 14 Februari 2011
edisi Valentine
Hi blogger ! Long time no post nih, okedeh mau cerita yaaaa.
Hari ini tanggal 14 Februari yg as known as Valentine Day biasa aja. Sebenarnya, malah apa sih Valentine itu ? Gak ngaruh banget deh hari kasih sayang itu. Tadi sih di Smada malah ngadain acara Ceramah dalam rangka Maulid Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang bakal dirayain besok. Maksudnya si anak TMA (Ta'mir Masjid Al-Anwar) mungkin biar kita gak ngerayain tuh hari kasih sayang.
Pagi, ada pelajaran sampe jam ke-4 doang. Pagi-pagi anak-anak sudah heboh gitudeh, ngeliat Karl yang cakep banget. Pada melting mereka, haha... :D Terus ya, ini kan hari pertama tempat duduk di-rolling. At first, Nysha duduk sama si Fachrul. Tapi terakhirnya si Nysha malah pindah nih. Padahal anak" kan pada ngejodohin gitu. EDISI Valentine kata mereka. And, another Valentine's Edition itu Nia & Fajar. Hihiii, katanya si Ariq kalo bisa mereka lanjut gitu .___________.
Abis jam ke-4 anak" langsung deh ngabur ke masjid buat dengerin ceramah. Tapi, emang dasar anak remaja labil kita - Cameilo malah duduk belakang sendiri terus rame deh. Malah, kita (Cessi, Herdy, Aku, Mia, Nysha, Anggi, Dhelila, Zia, Andin, Anita, Anin) foto". OmG benjet deh. Haha.... Abis denger ceramah balik deh ke kelas. Eh… Si Awang ngasih surprise deh ke Anin dengan setangkai bunga mawar merah muda. Hihi, lucu banget deh ngeliat ekspresi mereka. Kalo si Dhelila mah dikasih boneka kayak Winnie The Pooh yang tulisannya I love UI dari si Akhib. Sosweeet begete deh. :3
Pulang sekolah, gue bareng Mia ke rumah. Kita pada bergoyang gitu deh dengan mobil Jeepnya dia. Hehe. Waktu EF, semua berjalan smoothly lah. Ms. Tyas gadateng trus dgantiin sama Ms. Annisa. Gue demen benjet deh sama Ms. Annisa. Hehe, tadi diajarin yang extreme adjective gitchu dweh. Pulangnya, si Grace dikasih iPad >> dalam bentuk gambarnya doang di cover notebook gitu. Garagara dia pake baju pink. Oh my, kirain apa dweh.
Udahan dulu ye, ntar gue lanjut lagi. Byeeee. :3
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